Submit Student Vaccination Record to the School Nurse
Children ages 12 and higher can now get their COVID-19 vaccine. This means that if you haven’t already done so, you can schedule your children who are 12 and older for COVID-19 vaccination.
At the Met, we want to create a healthy and welcoming environment for your child. Getting eligible children ages 12 and older vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible will make it easier for them to resume normal activities such as sports, college classes, and internships. Some of these activities will require vaccination for participation.
If your child has already been vaccinated, we ask that you send our school nurse proof of vaccination so that she can approve your child for participation in activities. When our inside mask mandate is lifted by the CDC, vaccinated students will also have the option to not wear a mask inside.
To send your vaccination record to our school nurse:
Complete our online form and include a photograph of your student’s COVID-19 Vaccination record by visiting:
Mail a COPY of your student’s COVID-19 Vaccination record to
The Met High School
Attn: Bernarda Tejada, School Nurse
325 Public Street
Providence, RI O2905
If you have any questions about vaccination records or general questions about the vaccination, please call our COVID-19 Helpline at 401-632-4502.
Thank you, and thanks for helping to keep our community safe and healthy.